Want to Get Involved?

Are you ready to jump right in and help lead our Order to greatness? There’s plenty of opportunities awaiting you!

Unit Level

OA Reps

Order of the Arrow Representatives are the lifeblood of our movement. They spread the word about events to troops and crews and guide members on the path to Brotherhood. They set positive examples of cheerful service for all in the unit to see and live the Obligation that we all took as Ordeal candidates.

Your troop or crew may or may not have an OA Representative–if it does not, talk with your SPL about becoming one!

Chapter Level


With the assistance of a team of chairmen and advisors, the four chapter officers lead the Chapter Executive Committee and plan the annual program for the chapter. If you are interested in running for a position for the 2022-2023 term, fill out this form!

At-Large Chairmen

Do you want to be involved with Boone Trails chapter leadership for the 2021-22 term? Join the Boone Trails Chapter Executive Committee as an At-Large Chairman and help plan and run our chapter events! Just email Nick Prainito, the Chapter Chief, with the subject, “At-Large Chairman” to express your interest.


Boone Trails always needs ceremonialists to perform Ordeal and Brotherhood ceremonies at Spring Conclave and Fall Reunion. If you would like to become one or learn more, please email Mason Pryor, Second Vice Chief.

Elangomats and Nimats

We will need many arrowmen to assist with our 2022 Fall Reunion ceremonies by serving as an elangomat, nimat, and/or torchbearer. Please fill out this form if you are willing to help out.

Extended Elangomats

Boone Trails is looking for a select number of members to serve as “Extended Elangomats” throughout the year and guide our new Ordeal members on the journey to Brotherhood and OA involvement. As an Extended Elangomat you would work closely with a group of new members from our chapter and encourage them to get involved in our events! If you want to serve as an Extended Elangomat, please email Luke Hudson, our First Vice Chief.

Lodge Level

Lodge Committees

Shawnee Lodge has committees ranging from service and ceremonies to communications and nominations. If you would like to serve on a lodge committee, fill out this form!

LEC Meetings

Do you have a burning question or proposal for our lodge? If so, come to a Lodge Executive Committee meeting! At these meetings (held five times per year), OA leaders from across Shawnee Lodge come together to plan and strategize future events and ideas. There are no more LEC meetings for the 2021-22 term, but next year’s meetings will be announced soon.

Only chapter and lodge officers can vote, so if you are not an officer discuss your idea with one and they can propose it during the LEC.

National Level

OA High Adventure

Nationally run OA high adventure trips to the BSA’s four bases occur each summer. In addition to great sightseeing, the trip will feature service to the high adventure base and an opportunity to meet arrowmen from across the country. More information is available here.